Frequently Asked Question

When I try to open exSILentia 4 (online) it asks me to open an .ica file but doesn't allow me to start exSILentia. I have closed my browser and reset my computer since installing Citrix Receiver but that does not seem to have done anything to resolve the
Last Updated 6 years ago

It sounds like your web browser isn't automatically opening .ica files in Citrix, possibly Citrix also isn't assigned as the default file type for .ica files. The below link contains some instructions on various potential fixes for this issue. We'd suggest trying them in the order listed below:

1. Install the Latest Version of Citrix Receiver

Since something probably went wrong when installing the Citrix receiver, it's possible that reinstalling it will fix this issue. You can install the latest version of the Citrix Receiver here:

2. Automatically Open ICA Files

After the ICA file is downloaded, enable the browser to open similar files automatically.

  • Internet Explorer:
1. Download the file using IE 10/11
2. You'll get Open/Save/View download prompt.
3. Select the Save.
4. Then in Internet Explorer click Tools
5. Under Tools click the View Downloads option
6. You will see a popup containing the file that you just downloaded.
7. Right-click on the file, un-check the option : Always ask before opening this type of file
  • Google Chrome: Click the drop-down list for the file in the download bar and select Always Open Files of This Type.

3. Associate .ica File Type With Citrix Connection Manager

  1. On Windows computers, go to Control Panel > Settings > Apps > Default apps > Choose default apps by file type
  2. Under Name, find .ica file type.
  3. Ensure that the current default is set to Citrix Connection Manager. If not, click Change program and choose Citrix Connection Manager.
Note: Connection Manager is the wfcrun32 file located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client. On Windows 10, this file is located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\.

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