Frequently Asked Question

How can I install the site license for exSILentia 4?
Last Updated 4 years ago

Step 1) Download the Sentinel LDK runtime:
This is software that must be installed on both the server (with the license key), and each exSILentia PC.

Step 2) Configure the License Server
- Make sure the port 1947 is open for incoming traffic on the server, and outgoing on each exSILentia PC. This is the port used for license traffic.
- Open the Sentinel Admin Control Center on the server

- Verify in the "Access from Remote Clients " tab that the "Allow Access from Remote Clients" is checked, and record the DNS name and/or IP address of your server.

Step 2) Install exSILentia to each exSILentia PC.

Step 3) Launch exSILentia, when it is searching for a license, click the link to configure licensing


In license configuration, select the Server Authentication Mode, and then enter either hostname for the license server, or the license server’s static IP address, and press OK, for exSILentia to attempt attaching to that license server.


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